Enjoying wine in silence - the guide

77 A7402148 Erlebnis Stille Weinprobe
77 A7402148 Erlebnis Stille Weinprobe

Silent wine tasting

Taste exquisite wines compiled by our sommelier. Let yourself be carried away by the flavours of the samples into the world of viticulture and read interesting details about the tasted wine.

We would like to explain the basic steps of a tasting in advance. To fully taste a wine, it is analysed in four steps.

Texture | Swirl your wine glass in steady movements. This dynamic allows you to observe the density of the liquid. Basically, the more and thicker the wine runs down the wall of the glass, the richer it is. A connoisseur speaks of tears instead of drops.

Colour I Hold the full wine glass in front of a white background to take a closer look at the colour. For white wine, the darker the colour, the older the wine. The opposite is true for red wine: the lighter the colour, the older it is, as the colour pigments settle to the bottom as the wine ages. Similar statements give an indication of the intensity. Very dark-coloured wines usually come from very hot growing regions.


Hold your nose deep into the glass. Repeat this process until you can recognise all the nuances. In general, a distinction is made between seven aroma families: floral, herbal, fruity, spicy, caramelised, smoky and microbiological. When naming the actual fragrances, familiar odours are used. These can also be easily categorised into the seven families.


Achten Sie beim Trinken des Weines auf eine gleichzeitige Luftaufnahme, man nennt dies in der vinophilen Sprache "den Wein schlürfen" - anschließend behalten Sie den Wein im Mund behalten. Um die Aromavielfalt zu schmecken, empfiehlt es sich den Wein dabei immer wieder mit der Zunge "durchzukauen". Zuerst wird der Süße-Säure-Eindruck bewertet, bevor sich mit der Zeit die Geschmacksaromen entfalten. Diese werden wieder den sieben Familien der Gerüche zugeordnet.


Notieren Sie Ihren Eindruck.

Bei einer Verkostung macht es stets Sinn sich Notizen zu machen. Nur so lässt sich der Gesamteindruck des Weins abschließend bewerten. Hält der Geschmack, was der Geruch verspricht? Waren die Vermutungen aufgrund der Farbe hinsichtlich Alter und Intensität richtig?


Try. Trying. Learn.

Sit back and enjoy your wine tasting. Try out the techniques described and test yourself. Get to know the variety of flavours better with every glass of wine.

We are happy to support you in your analysis with an ‘aroma wheel’ for white and red wines, on which you will find the aroma families mentioned above.